Friday, February 7, 2014

Moving the house, again, but making progress

After a lull, there's been a burst of activity on our house. Carl and his crew of two came to put the lines in where the house and master suite will go. When Robert and I arrived, there were two different color sets of string designating where the house might go, and where it might also go if the first line was wrong. After much consultation and a little reading of plans (yes, ladies, it's true, men do NOT like to read directions), as of today, the house forms are in place. They will get a concrete pour of the foundation in about two weeks. Why the delay, you may ask? Permits. Inspections. Rain. Surfing. Hey, it's Hawaii, don't think everyone just works all the time here!

We also did a lot of work on the grounds and gardens while waiting for construction to gear up. When you have 11+ acres, gardening is a full time job! Robert designed and we installed most of two new beds. You can see our crew spreading cinder soil in the funny video that's below. BTW, we had our contractor; three guys from the forming/foundation laying sub; our excavator; two sawyers; one bobcat operator; four garden crew helpers; our friend Tom Piergrossi who delivered two pickup truckloads of plants; and Robert and me, on site on Wednesday. Oh yeah, plus the guy who delivered the cinder soil, that makes 15 guys total!
Our intrepid gardening crew with me second from left 

Next blog will be a video of the "entrance experience" so you can see some of the plantings Robert has done since he started landscaping the property in 2007.
One of dozens of flowering plants in our garden

Beach near our rental property-part of why we love Hawaii! 
Tom delivering plants for Robert

Forming up the house foundation

Look at the orange and the yellow lines on the left, which one is where the house should go???

Lawrence our excavator and Robert looking at the future pad for a 12'x12' hale

Finally, a house foundation is going in!

Mauna Kea with snow, nice to look at when it's 75 and sunny out!

More Mauna Kea

Matthew, our garden and house sherpa!